The voting had not begun yet that day but decisions had been made in hearts and the Lord was kind enough to allow me to understand His plan in advance so that I would not be shaken. It was a sobering moment but not a shock as probably a week or so into my 60 day fast the Holy Spirit was whispering to me what if this were the plan of God ...would you trust Him and revealing to me even than that God often allows things to transpire in the earth so that the heart of man would be revealed....so that darkness can be seen with the hope that repentance would follow.
Do you know so often we say ..."I don't know why this is happening", or "what could be good about this bad situation", when often the Lord is trying to reveal our hidden heart or bring to the surface weakness so we can anchor in righteousness instead of trusting other sources....oh I guess I could preach here but I will spare you!
On the morning of Election Day I was riveted with the spiritual implication of our nation under an authority that was in line with a murderous spirit in the context of abortion. I was gripped that day as it had been becoming more apparent throughout the weeks leading to that day, there are TWO churches that call themselves the "house of God" and they claim they are His but truly...it so obvious by the fruit, they are not all His. I knew that but this was slamming me in the heart in a way I had never experienced...my heart was gripped. I know that as we prepare for the return of Jesus that this "other" house of God is who we will be addressing. As the clarity and brevity was hitting my spirit I was gripped with the desire as a priest to apply the blood of Jesus to the gates of our nation - much like God's people applied the blood to their door posts in Egypt as Moses was pleading with Pharaoh and releasing the judgments of God.

This is why I am posting this blog today. I want to ask you to partner with me as I contend for God's heart to be revealed to His people.
The next day the Lord broke through my intercession and deep groans before His altar with His heart for the youth, the generation that sadly over 70% of these 18 to 30 year olds voted for Obama. God is after their heart, these are the ones who will be leading our nation next and they have no clue what they are partnering with. I am more convinced than ever that the global prayer movement in the earth is a means to an answer for all the abominations we see and hear in our cities and nations.

I am convinced of God's plan and how perfect it is....but I am also so aware of our need for Him! So that Wednesday I began what I believe was an inspiration of God to to believe Him for 50 days for an in-breaking and endowment from heaven on all of those who are gathering across the globe in prayer in this unmistakable urgent hour. I was reminded of Acts 1:8 and 2:1-4 - an apostolic prayer we contend for every day as we ask God to end abortion and send revival to our nation.
If Jesus told...no wait He didn't tell... He "commanded" the disciples (Acts 1:4-8 that they were to wait until they be endued with power from on high...how much more do we need the same?!
In Acts 2:11 the bible tells how these 120 disciples came out of the upper room and those who saw them proclaim they saw the majesty of God. I am contending that if we will pray and contend for this generation - God will endow us with the same outpouring He released and told the disciples to wait for...He will empower us with the burden of the Lord for these young people and He will give us the power to pray until we see His majesty displayed in their lives and they behold His beauty.
I believe truly this is what Joel prophesied of in Joel chapter 2. I think it was the pouring out of His spirit in worship and intercession giving His sons and daughters the burdens of His heart that caused them to prophesy. The power really comes from knowing His heart and out of that burden your spirit will prophesy.

I am convinced the outpouring is for us to pray and prophesy to this generation...calling them into the divine destiny as worshipers and whole-hearted lovers of God. I am contending for the spirit of God to fall on us that we would not stop until we see the glory of God breakthrough our city and nation.
A few days later God gave me a dream...
A group of young people had entered the house where we were they came by way of a vehicle and driver – this vehicle was in disrepair or no longer working so they were in the house while the driver arranged another vehicle. I was aware that he was taking them much like a human trafficker takes the women and children – they were to be used for his pleasure through their bodies and soul. I was adamant to see them rescued from this journey – I didn’t want them to go with this guy – I knew he was evil of evil intent and ultimately wanted to have his way with these ones – I noticed he had control of them or great influence over them – its like I couldn’t bring their freedom jus t by their being in the house – they needed more – and I wanted the one who influenced them taken out – I wanted to destroy his power – it wasn’t enough for just their rescue from him I wanted him unable to take anymore down this journey of destruction.
I was attempting to give them tools so they could contact me as we continued the rescue – and their ultimate freedom. I felt like I was undercover and not wanting yet the man who was driving them to know what I was doing. As I was handing them the cell phone trying to explain how to use it a spirit of seduction came in and though they wanted to listen and wanted rescue I was amazed at how they responded to this spirit of seduction – she was able to effect their outer man and they reacted almost like a knee jerk reaction – it made me ill inside to see that – I took some of them into another room where the music was playing – here a few of them came in and got into the bed and pulled the covers over them – they were at peace there and able to rest and I felt the protection come over them as covering.
I was aware that the vehicle this man was preparing was new – suddenly it was a train and I was at a train station and it was much more complex and many more were involved.
When I woke up, I was sure this was a dream of revelation for prayer. I felt the burden for the youth in a fresh way. I was especially burdened for those who were called into worship as singers, psalmists, musicians, songwriters...those who would spend their days worshiping the Lord as messengers of the Lord. I wanted and felt the ask in my spirit for revelation of how remove the one who was driving them into destruction – I felt the fear of the Lord and the need for more revelation – not just the zeal of the Lord but caution and the need for instruction.
Join me as I partner and agree with what I believe is already God's desire.... to pour out and endue us in prayer and worship until we see His majesty displayed in this generation.... that they would, in amazement, behold His beauty and abandon their lives to worship and intercession.... joining the expression of God in the earth.